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Diritto di critica | February 16, 2025

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Inside the Brotherhood’s “chambers of torture” - Diritto di critica

After the shocking videos of bleeding civilians being beaten and carried around by Islamists and the assault to a pacific sit-in of anti-Mursi protesters, the Egyptian newspaper Al-Masry Al-Youm published an article which tells the story of a reporter who spent three hours inside the Brotherhood’s “chambers of torture”.

According to the Egyptian newspaper the chambers were located in a building in front of the Omar bin Abdel Aziz mosque and surrounded by police and iron barriers.

Inside the structure men belonging to the security forces and the Muslim Brotherhood would carry out interviews and beatings towards opposition protesters who, in some cases, would also have their clothes ripped off.

The detained men would be deprived of their id and personal belongings, then they would be questioned and beaten in order to make them confess of being thugs. They were repeatedly asked if they had been paid by someone to take to the streets and if they were members of opposition parties belonging to Mohamed El Baradei, Hamdeen Sabbahi or the former National Democratic Party. In case of negative response they would receive more beatings.

Always according to Al-Masry sources, in another room a lawyer of the Brotherhood and senior police officers would examine the protester’s identities and some of these protesters would be in such terrible physical conditions that enabled them to reply to the questions of the interrogators.

A very sad page in the history of the “new Egypt” which was hoping to put the abuses of the Mubarak era behind, but sadly they are still happening under the Muslim Brotherhood’s rule.

Human Rights Watch has documented plenty of abuses in the post-Mubarak era and it’s not a coincidence that today Amnesty International defined Mursi’s security decree to arrest civilians “a dangerous loophole which may well lead to the military trial of civilians” .

The cooperation of a religious organization belonging to a ruling government and the security forces is clearly a disturbing element which nobody would want to see in a real democracy.



  1. IL potere lasciato in mano a pseudo religiosi, porta sempre ad un totalitarismo BECERO E MISEREVOLE… Questo popolo, credeva di liberarsi di un dittatore e incamminarsi verso la democrazia !! Ha commesso un grandissimo errore di valutazione, lasciandosi infinocchiare da gruppi religiosi, finendo dalla padella alla brace. Così hanno fatti anche gl’Iraniani.. A questi popoli serviranno forse anni , prima di liberarsi da questa cancrena che è la religione!!! La religione e gli ideali religiosi, devono essere sempre tenuti fuori dalle leggi dello stato e dalle stanze dei bottoni, e non devono mai influenzare direttamente e non, i tribunali e la convivenza civile e democratica !! Quanti sacrifici e quanti morti ci saranno ancora per far valere la ragione ???